“The Great Revivalist” by Dunsin Oyekan is a dedicated song to the Holy Spirit, the grand commander and mastermind of the supernatural!
Dunsin Oyekan – The Great Revivalist Lyrics
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
We will shake the world
You are moving now
You are moving now
As we lift up Jesus
You are moving now
You are moving now
You are moving now
As we lift up Jesus
You are moving now
You are moving now
You are moving now
As we lift up Jesus
You are moving now
You are moving now
You are moving now
As we lift up Jesus
You are moving now
You are touching now
You are touching now
As we lift up Jesus
You are touching now
You are touching now
You are touching now
As we lift up Jesus
You are touching now
You are touching now
You are touching now
As we lift up Jesus
You are touching now
You are touching now
You are touching now
As we lift up Jesus
You are touching now
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
As we lift up Jesus
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
As we lift up Jesus
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
As we lift up Jesus
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
Chains are breaking now
As we lift up Jesus
Chains are breaking now
He is healing now
He is healing now
As we lift up Jesus
He is healing now
He is healing now
He is healing now
As we lift up Jesus
He is healing now
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly
Suddenly Suddenly…
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
The great Revivalist
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
We will shake the world
You and I together
You and I together
We will shake the world
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together…
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit…
We will shake the world
We will shake the world…
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together
You and I together…