Mo fó fayò (leap for Joy)is a song from the stables of GLT music by Psalmist Nifemi (@Psalmistnifemi ) reflects what your action should be this new year to God’s goodness and unending grace that you will encounter even as you leap from one level of glory to another level remembering that with “Joy we draw out of the wells of salvation.”
Psalmist Nifemi – Mofófayò Lyrics
Psalmist Nifemi Mofofayo Lyrics
Mo’fo fayo
(I leaped for joy)
Igba t’on ni nka lo church
(When they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD)
S’adede ni mo ri pe awon Choir ti start to dey praising the Lord
(Suddenly, I realized that the choir had started praising the Lord)
Katowi katofo, Laba fede fo
(Before I knew it, we spoke in tongues)
Miracle ti bere sini dasile
(Miracles had started pouring out)
Your power opo (opo opo)
(Your power is great)
You’re good and kind
Your love is high
Your power is great
We cannot deny
We start to dey dance
Praise na my hobby
I don’t need to dull it
When it comes to the praise of the most high God
I can’t resist it